About ClickBox!
Who is ClickBox?
Teamwork is essential not only in sports but also in business.
The concept of ClickBox was created by Dwight and Elmer Lago to take advantage of their opportunity to provide a better service to the forwarding business.With Elmer relocating to the United States in 2005 and Dwight remaining here in the Philippines, ClickBox is in a unique position to provide a trustworthy and efficient delivery service.
What is ClickBox and Why ClickBox?
ClickBox your shipping and on-line shopping solution. We provide a means to Philippine consumers to shipped their on-line purchases from the United States to the Philippines.Not only does ClickBox forward your package from the United States to the Philippines, we can also purchase merchandise on-line for the client.
Unlike other companies, ClickBox gives you the option to ship an item/s without having to fill up a full size balikbayan box.
Where is ClickBox?
United States office based in Washington state.
Philippines office based in San Juan City, Metro Manila.